Seriously? Over £9M in Unclaimed Winnings in the UK!

The Brits must be sleeping on their noses, because recent reports have shown that over £9M was left unclaimed by winners.According to recent reports, British lottery winners are having serious trouble with claiming their prize money. The problem is so serious that eventually, some of these huge jackpots will simply be forfeited and used for various projects run by the UK’s National Lottery commission, leaving one terribly unlucky non-winner with nothing is his hands.
Winning the Lottery Is the Hard Part, Not Collecting!

British lottery winners have a total of 180 days, or just under 6 months, to claim their prize. That’s plenty of time, leaving us with one glaring question: Who can’t find the time to collect a £9 million jackpot? Didn’t you check if you’ve won?The problem is so serious that now, around £1million will be forfeited, with an additional three £1 million prizes facing a similar fate in the coming weeks.
How to Always Collect a Winning Lottery Ticket!

It turns out that most missing winners are for EuroMillions jackpots, begging us to wonder why anyone would just miss their outrageously-large prizes, usually ranging between dozens and hundreds of millions. Lucky for you, you’ll never face a similar issue if you’re the owner of a winning ticket bought right here at TheLotter.IO, because all the services we offer allow you to play any lottery from anywhere in the world, and will also remember to notify you when you win, leaving you with only one responsibility – to play the game and have fun!
Are You One of the Missing Lottery Winners?
Are you a Brit that’s purchased a EuroMillions lottery ticket in recent months? You might want to check your ticket, especially if it matches one of the dates or locations below! Check out the table below to see all the currently-unclaimed jackpots waiting for you at the EuroMillions headquarters!

Where Purchased | When Purchased | Expiration Date |
Hillingdon, west London | July 13, 2018 | January 9, 2019 |
Greenwich, south-east London | August 21, 2018 | February 17, 2019 |
Cheshire East | September 11, 2018 | March 10, 2019 |
Derby | September 25, 2018 | March 24, 2019 |
Bromley, south London | November 16, 2018 | May 15, 2019 |
South Tyneside | December 21, 2018 | June 19, 2019 |