What’s Life Like after Winning a Lottery Prize of £13.5M?

Peter Congdon wasn’t expecting such a drastic turn of events, but once he had the winning ticket for a whopping £13.5 million in his hand back in 2015, everything changed, and for the better! You may have noticed that some lottery winners’ stories end on a sour note, but not in Peter Congdon’s case. You see, Peter, a 71-year old former-city counselor, has quite the touching story.

Instead of letting his huge prize go up to his head and moving into a huge, multi-million mansion, Peter Congdon just moved across the road. What’s behind this humble choice? A personal tragedy turned positive.

Peter Congdon’s late wife, Rosemary, suffered from MS for 33 years. After taking care of her for so long, Peter knew that real charity means helping those in need with what THEY need. Peter consulted with the Merlin MS Center in Cornwall and went on to buy them the largest hot tub in the entire country. This is a £1 million futuristic anti-gravity hydro-therapy pool is designed to aid and assist patients suffering from a number of life-altering conditions, including MS, strokes, and Parkinson’s disease. With this donation, Peter has really changed lives.

Peter’s Amazing Lottery Winning Story Is Only Getting Started!

Peter Congdon’s next move was to secure his Children’s financial future by paying-off their mortgages and buying them brand-new cars. Peter even made sure these amazing gifts were also waiting for his 10 grandchildren. This is probably one of the smartest choices you can make as fresh lottery winner, giving you the opportunity to guarantee a comfortable life for your entire family, for generations to come.

But Peter Congdon isn’t all about responsibility, because he has treated himself to a number of amazing luxuries you probably can’t wait to hear about! Peter went on to show his appreciation for the German automobile industry with three luxury cars: a BMW i8, BMW i3, and a Porsche Cayman delivered in its own exclusive color, available nowhere else! Don’t think that Peter doesn’t have any patriotic sentiments, because he went on to buy a Bentley, one of England’s most appreciated and accomplished luxury car brands in history. Peter also sports a fashionable £30,000 watch from the renowned jewelers at Michael Spiers, which he didn’t hesitate to take to his trip to the Cheltenham Gold Cup, to which he traveled by the most sensible option in the world – with a private helicopter.

Despite these small outbursts of classic millionaire style, Peter Congdon assures us that he is grounded and unchanged from his pre-win self. In fact, he still owns his old home, stating that he absolutely ‘loves that house and would move back without any hesitation’. According to Congdon, just because you got a shot of luck in life, doesn’t mean that the wonderful things from your past aren’t just as lovely after becoming a lottery-winning millionaire!

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